The equipment of the laboratories utilised for lessons is continuously modernised due to material resources made available by German institutions. Over the past 20 years, more than € 1.5 million has been spent on literature and technical equipment. Students may use three computer rooms equipped with modern computers and workstations.
Materials science laboratory:
Room 3206
Dr. S. Houbenov
Physics laboratory:
Room 10308
Dr. M. Mihalev
Laboratory for strength and resistance of material:
Room 1111
Dr. B. Dimova
Laboratory for measuring and automation devices:
Room 9301
Dr. V. Galabov
Electrical engineering laboratory:
Room 12545
Dr. I. Kostov
Electronics laboratory:
Room 1531
Dr D. Stamenov
Laboratory for production technology:
Room 4126
Dr D. Dotsev
Cutting machine laboratory:
Room 3114
Prof. Dr. G. Popov
Internal combustion engine laboratory:
Room 9112 Box Nr. 8
Prof. Dr. B. Gigov