Since it was founded in 1925, the DAAD has supported around 2.6 million academics in Germany and abroad. It is supported as an association by the German universities and student bodies. Its activities go far beyond awarding scholarships: the DAAD promotes the internationalization of German universities, strengthens German studies and the German language abroad, supports developing countries in setting up efficient universities and advises decision-makers on education, foreign science and development policy.
The budget comes mainly from federal funds from various ministries, above all the Federal Foreign Office, from the European Union as well as from companies, organizations and foreign governments. The head office is in Bonn, and the DAAD also maintains a capital city office in Berlin, to which the renowned Berlin artist program is also affiliated. A network of branch offices and information centers maintains contact with the most important partner countries on all continents and provides on-site advice.
Since 1990, the DAAD has been supporting the establishment and further development of the Faculty for German Engineering and Business Administration Education (FDIBA) at the TU Sofia. The introduction of German-language courses was based on a German-Bulgarian government agreement.
The FDIBA offers German-language bachelor’s and master’s courses in the subjects computer science, business informatics, business administration, mechanical engineering and mechatronics. In 2012, the range of courses offered at the FDIBA was expanded with the establishment of a doctoral school.
The establishment and further development of the faculty are carried out in close cooperation with the German partner universities: joint curricula, qualification offers for Bulgarian university teachers, the regular assignment of German guest lecturers in Bulgaria and an active student exchange form the basis for the awarding of German-Bulgarian degrees. The project makes a key contribution to intensifying scientific, economic and cultural cooperation between Bulgaria and Germany. In particular, the specialists trained at the FDIBA should play a leading role in deepening the traditionally good German-Bulgarian relations in the scientific, technical and cultural fields.
The DAAD supports the activities of the FDIBA with funds from the Federal Foreign Office, including sur-place scholarships for doctoral students, semester scholarships for Bulgarian students and funds for teaching and research stays and to improve the infrastructure. In addition, the DAAD has supported a lectureship since 1993 and a language assistant at the FDIBA since 2008.
» DAAD contact on site
Knowledge of the German language is a basic requirement for studying at FDIBA. In order to prepare for the vocabulary required during your studies and during a stay abroad and to continuously improve your German skills, you will be looked after and advised by experienced German teachers.

Together with the project partners, the DAAD wants to continue to support FDIBA in the further development of the range of courses, the expansion of the doctoral school and the strengthening of research cooperation and thus make an important contribution to the sustainable strengthening of young scientists in Bulgaria.
– Dr Klaus Birk, director of the department “Projects” at DAAD
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Today FDIBA is the only one of its kind in the world to be a flagship project of the German Academic Exchange Service, of which all those involved in the past and present can rightly be proud.
– Jörg Schenk, head of the “Science and Universities” department at the German Embassy in Sofia