Compared to other European countries, student life in Germany is not particularly expensive. This is since no tuition fees are paid. The average monthly cost of living in Germany excluding the semester fee is around € 763. Depending on the range of the semester ticket, which is covered by the semester fee, there are separate travel costs.

» Breakdown of the average costs for students in Germany

  • € 100-400 semester fee (support of the student union and student self-administration, as well as local public transport)
  • € 332 average monthly rent
    • In large cities rent can be more expensive
    • Student residences and shared apartments are significantly cheaper than own apartments
  • € 154 average monthly spending on groceries
  • € 108 average monthly costs for statutory health insurance
  • € 65 average monthly amount for leisure activities
  • € 32 average monthly amount for communication
  • € 48 average monthly amount for clothing
  • € 24 average monthly amount for learning materials