Today the FDIBA is an established German-Bulgarian institution which, thanks to its modern linguistic and technical education as well as excellent research, is of great importance as a catalyst for economic and cultural relations not only for Bulgaria and Germany, but also south-eastern Europe and the neighbouring regions. The FDIBA should simultaneously promote the German concept of a dual training combining aspects of theoretical studies and practical input.
– Dr. rer. pol. habil. Dr. h. c. mult. Franz Peter Lang, honorary doctor to FDIBA
For special merits in the development and consolidation of the FDIBA, the Technical University of Sofia has awarded the following outstanding personalities the title of Honorary Doctor of TU Sofia or Honorary Professor of TU Sofia in the last 30 years:

Möwes Harro, Honorary Doctor
November 2020

Burkardt Nobert, Honorary Professor
November 2018
Course: Grundlagen der Konstruktion
KIT Karlsruhe

Kluwe Mathias, Honorary Professor
November 2017
Course: Grundlagen der Mess- und Regeltechnik,
Dynamik von Anlagen und Regeleinrichtungen
KIT Karlsruhe

Greulich Peter, Honorary Professor
August 2015
TU Hannover

Ovtcharova Jivka, Honorary Doctor
July 2011

Wauer Jorg, Honorary Doctor
May 2004

Lang Franz Peter, Honorary Doctor
April 2004

Wittenburg Jens, Honorary Doctor
March 2000

Dieter Arnold, Honorary Doctor
February 1998

Hentze Joachim, Honorary Doctor
January 1998

Bohme Helmut, Honorary Doctor
June 1995